Calleigh is a very observant kid. When Mom watches "Dancing with the Stars", Calleigh tries to copy what the dancers are doing. Lifting up her leg, spinning around. It's quite good fun to watch her. The one thing I like about her is when she falls, she doesn't complain much. Sorry to say, I don't like it when kids are crying all the time over things that don't really hurt or to just get attention. Please Calleigh, don't be like this. Once in a while is okay, but don't make it a habit.
Hmm...Play Mats
You can really go overboard with play if you have hardware floors at home. It's not like your home is a play gym. I thought I had purchased too many play mats for Calleigh but I ended up using them throughout the home. The ones I purchased can be converted to any size I need. The one advantage to having this play mat is that it can be used for exercise as well. I do a fair amount of stretching on the floor and the mats make a great cushion. Placed in front of the TV is a great way to motivate exercise.