A visit to Sausalito's Discovery Museum was more than what Calleigh expected. Sometimes it's hard to know how much is needed in order to have your child entertained, but sometimes, it's just the simplicity of an environment that satisfies a child's entertainment needs. As a parent, my entertainment was to watch our daughter spend time with family, including cousins, and the smiles and laughs that went on for three plus hours. This museum entrance fee is under $15 and completely worth it plus it has a great view of the Golden Gate Bridge.
Lots of parents will spend lots of money to ensure their child gets enough stimulation through activities. The money is usually not the real issue but whether or not your kid will get the value for what you paid. So taking a child to a place like Disneyland may not be justified if your child is 1 years old, but it is hard to say as a 1 year old can't clearly express how much fun or how miserable an experience has been. Keep in mind, sometimes it is the simple things that cost nothing. Such as, playing with a old tissue box and making it into a car or a bus or using scratch paper to do drawings. A walk through a wooded park is completely free and can entertain a child for a couple of hours. Be creative and you'll soon find out you won't have to spend a lot of money and worry if you are getting value.